How to Cool Down With Chrysanthemum Tea

How to Cool Down With Chrysanthemum Tea

The health benefits of chrysanthemum tea are well known have been for thousands of years in China. Chrysanthemum has powerful antioxidants. From improving vision to reducing fever and cooling you down, the tea is widely used for a variety of ailments.


Buy chrysanthemum tea online or at natural food stores. A box of 20 tea bags can vary between $3 and $8, depending on the brand.


Steep tea bags in hot water for up to 5 minutes. Pour into a mug and drink hot or place in refrigerator and allow to cool. Pour it over ice for an iced chrysanthemum tea.


Cool down by brewing chrysanthemum flowers. It runs about $4 an ounce online.


Add 4 or 5 flowers to hot water. Steep the leaves until the liquid becomes yellow in color. Drink it hot or cold.


Add rock sugar or honey for a sweeter tea. It can be added while the tea is seeping or right before drinking.


Keep chrysanthemum tea in the refrigerator to drink whenever you need to cool down. It's perfectly safe to drink as much as you want.
can also enjoy the refreshing beverage.