How to Cope with a Mystery Illness

How to Cope with a Mystery Illness

Often when you don't feel well, the doctor cannot find the cause or prescribes medicines that have no effect. Statistics have shown that many doctors tend to dismiss the concerns of women, especially if the complain is of a general nature.

The patient should play a proactive part in their own health care, which can mean researching symptoms and changing doctors if you feel that your concerns are being set aside.

Things You'll Need:

A Merck Manual or other good medical reference

The Internet

A good doctor willing to work with you


Allow your doctor to run the tests he feels are necessary.


Ask your doctor to perform a Barnes Basal Temperature Test to rule out hypothyroidism as this can be the cause of many illnesses.


Add vitamins and supplements to your body to help strengthen your immunue system and ensure that nutritional needs are met.


Research your symptoms either in a good medical reference book or online.


Cut caffeine and sugars from your diet as much as possible. Both of these can suppress the immune system and cause general feelings of depression and tiredness.


Meditate daily to help let go of stress. Formal meditation is not necessary as even simple prayers help you let go.


Do some form of exercise daily. The simple exercise of walking around the block can do wonders for making your body feel stronger.

Tips & Warnings

A naturopathic doctor can often diagnose maladies that a clinical doctor will overlook.

Good nutrition is imperative to feeling well. Eat more whole grains, vegetables and fruits and cut back on fast foods and convenience foods.

Always check with your health care provider before taking any nutritional supplements as some vitamins, minerals and supplements can counter-act with prescription medications.

Before beginning any new exercise routine, check with your doctor.

How to Cool Down With Chrysanthemum Tea

How to Cool Down With Chrysanthemum Tea

The health benefits of chrysanthemum tea are well known have been for thousands of years in China. Chrysanthemum has powerful antioxidants. From improving vision to reducing fever and cooling you down, the tea is widely used for a variety of ailments.


Buy chrysanthemum tea online or at natural food stores. A box of 20 tea bags can vary between $3 and $8, depending on the brand.


Steep tea bags in hot water for up to 5 minutes. Pour into a mug and drink hot or place in refrigerator and allow to cool. Pour it over ice for an iced chrysanthemum tea.


Cool down by brewing chrysanthemum flowers. It runs about $4 an ounce online.


Add 4 or 5 flowers to hot water. Steep the leaves until the liquid becomes yellow in color. Drink it hot or cold.


Add rock sugar or honey for a sweeter tea. It can be added while the tea is seeping or right before drinking.


Keep chrysanthemum tea in the refrigerator to drink whenever you need to cool down. It's perfectly safe to drink as much as you want.
can also enjoy the refreshing beverage.

How to Control Smoking With Acupressure

How to Control Smoking With Acupressure

Many people turn to alternative medicine such as acupressure to treat various medical injuries, illnesses, emotional problems and addictions. Some individuals have found acupressure has helped them quit smoking. By applying pressure to certain points on the body it may help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings.


Create a relaxing environment. Acupressure works partially because it promotes relaxation. Find a location where you will not be interrupted. Play relaxing music or light candles.


Locate the pressure points on the body that help control smoking. There are several different ones. One point is just below the breastbone. Another point is on your arm, on the crease inside of the elbow, on the side of your thumb.


Use your fingers or knuckles to apply firm pressure. You can also use the eraser on a pencil. It should be firm enough that you may feel a slight ache, but it should not be painful. Stop if you feel pain.


Apply steady pressure for fifteen to thirty seconds. If you are using the acupressure point in your arm, apply pressure to the other side of the body for the same amount of time. Wait a minute and reapply pressure a few times.


Do acupressure daily to help control smoking. It may be beneficial to do it at the same time everyday to get in the habit. Consider varying the pressure points to avoid getting sore in one area of the body.


Consider going to someone trained in acupressure. They have expertise in specific techniques to use acupressure to control smoking. It may be more effective then performing acupressure on yourself.


Contact the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. The organization can provide information on how to find an acupuncturist in your area who also specializes in using acupressure.

Tips & Warnings

Don't use a pressure point where the skin is broken or there is a bruise.

Avoid acupressure if you are pregnant. It is possible it can cause contractions.

How to Control Or Eliminate Thrush Naturally in Adults Due to Inhaled Steroids

How to Control Or Eliminate Thrush Naturally in Adults Due to Inhaled Steroids

Many people who control asthma and other respiratory ailments with inhaled steroids often suffer from thrush. Thrush is an oral yeast infection caused by the candida organism. Before rushing to the doctors for an antibiotic give this alternative treatment a try.

Things You'll Need:

vinegar, warm water, plain yogurt with acidopholus


Avoid foods with high sugar content. Better yet avoid sugar completely. Candida (the organism that causes thrush) is a yeast and just like bread yeast, candida growth rate increases when sugar is present.


After eating or drinking (water doesn't count) immediately rinse with 1/2 cup of warm water mixed with 1 tablespoon of vinegar (any type will work). Then eat 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Make sure the yogurt contains acidophilus.


Drink lots of water. Adding vinegar to the water is beneficial. 1 tablespoon to 12 ounces is a good ratio. The vinegar may cause indigestion in which case don't torture yourself.

Tips & Warnings

Continue with this treatment for two weeks. If you suffer chronically from thrush adding this to your daily eating routine is very safe and has the added benefit of aiding in digestion. Don't forget to rinse each and every time after an inhaled steroid is administered.

You should start seeing improvement after just a couple of days. If the thrush persists for more than seven days without improvement or if it get increasingly worse even with the above remedy contact your doctor.

How to Control Insomnia

How to Control Insomnia

We are all given the ability from birth to perform certain bodily functions like sleeping. Sleep is meant to revive us and get us ready to live for another day. It's an innate ability that usually doesn't take much effort at all. But for many people, sleeping isn't as easy as that. Chronic insomnia occurs when a person has difficulty falling or maintaining sleep for at least three nights in a week, and for one month or longer. It's a perplexing condition that drives some people to the brink of madness - nearly literally. When people are denied sleep, the effects can be devastating. There is hope, however, in overcoming insomnia. It's not easy, but it can be done-even without the help of a professional sleep clinic.

Things You'll Need:

herbal or natural remedies

quiet, dark sleeping environment

prescribed medications

open-minded approach



Medications can be helpful to control insomnia for the short term. While the thought of a pill or medication that can solve the problem easily is very appealing, it should be stressed that only behavioral or psychological techniques can actually cure insomnia. Prolonged use of sleeping pills can only result in dependency, and may often compound the problem over the long term. Of course, as with any medication, side effects should be expected. If you can commit to making your sleep habits and sleep environment more conducive to sleep, you have a greater chance of limiting the effects of insomnia on your life.


Many people with insomnia choose herbal remedies for treating their insomnia. Some of these remedies, such as chamomile tea or lemon balm, are harmless for most people. Other natural herbal remedies such as valerian root, kava kava, St. John's Wort, and passionflower have been used for insomnia for many years.


Melatonin is the best studied natural remedy for insomnia, although in the U.S. it remains unregulated. Evidence on its effects remains unclear. Some studies suggest that it may help specific individuals, such as; elderly people, people without sight, travelers with jet lag, and people who are withdrawing from prescription sleep medication.


Sleep hygiene refers to sleep habits and conditions which promote sleep, and should be your first line of attack against insomnia. Here are some tips for effective sleep hygiene habits:

Establish a regular time for going to bed and getting up in the morning and stick to it. Avoid naps, especially in the evening.

Exercise before dinner. A low point in energy occurs a few hours after exercise; sleep will then come more easily.

Do something relaxing in the half-hour before bedtime. Reading, meditation, and a leisurely walk are all appropriate activities.

Eat light meals and schedule dinner four to five hours before bedtime. A light snack before bedtime can help sleep, but a large meal may have the opposite effect.

Avoid alcohol or stimulants like caffeine in the hours before sleep. A general recommendation is not to consume anything that might hinder your sleep 4-6 hours before your anticipated bedtime.


If you can't sleep, don't stay in bed. Get out of bed, move to another room, and return to your bed when you are tired. Read or do a quiet activity using dim lighting until feeling very sleepy. Don't watch television or use bright lights. Don't look at the clock. Obsessing over time will just make it more difficult to sleep.


Spend at least ВЅ an hour in the sun each day. The best time is early in the day. One study suggests that when a person is exposed to bright daylight, melatonin levels increases in response to darkness at night, which aids sleep. Conversely, insufficient exposure to light during the day, as occurs in some disabled elderly patients who rarely venture outside, may also be linked with sleep disturbances.


As one possible solution, you might try a psychological approach, which is used for other fears as well, called Paradoxical Intention. This is based on doing the opposite of what you want or fear and taking it to the extreme. Rather than trying to go to sleep night after night, try to stay awake and do something instead. Turning your attention to something else removes the fear of not being able to sleep and may allow you to relax and eventually go to bed.


Another method to consider is called Sleep Restriction, which reduces the amount of non-sleeping time a person with insomnia spends in bed. To practice sleep restriction, keep a log of your sleep habits for two weeks. If you usually sleep 6 hours per night, but spend 8 hours a night in bed, sleep restriction therapy will only allow you to spend 6 or 6 1/2 hours in bed at first. In the beginning, you might not sleep all of the time, but gradually, the time spent sleeping should increase. If you continue to have trouble sleeping, the time allowed in bed is further restricted to encourage sleep when you are in bed. The overall time spent in bed is adjusted as it becomes clear how much sleep you need.


Use visualization techniques. Focus all your attention on your toes or visualize walking down an endless stairwell. Thinking about repetitive or mindless things will help your brain to shut down and adjust to sleep.


Get up and eat some turkey. Turkey contains tryptophan, a major building block for making serotonin, a neurotransmitter, which sends messages between nerve cells and causes feelings of sleepiness. Note that L-tryptophan doesn't act on the brain unless you eat it on an empty stomach with no protein present, so keep some turkey in the refrigerator for 3 a.m. visits.


Consider changing your bedtime. If you are experiencing sleeplessness or insomnia consistently, think about going to bed later so that the time you spend in bed is spent sleeping. If you are only getting five hours of sleep at night, figure out what time you need to get up and subtract five hours (for example, if you want to get up at 6:00 am, go to bed at 1:00 am).


Keep the room where you are sleeping as dark as possible. A person's biological circadian clock is triggered by sunlight and very bright artificial light to maintain wakefulness. One study indicates that even dim artificial light may disrupt sleep.

Tips & Warnings

Anxiety accounts for almost 50 percent of the cases of chronic insomnia.

Your partner's sleep habits can also cause you to have insomnia.

Pain and discomfort from an injury, illness, or disability can impair sleep.

Insomnia is a side effect of many prescribed and over-the-counter medications. People who suspect their medications are causing them to lose sleep should check with a physician or pharmacist.

Exercising too close to bedtime may increase alertness.

Your bedroom should be exclusively for sleeping. Well, maybe one other activity, but avoid eating, reading, smoking, drinking or watching television in bed.

Fluctuations in female hormones play a major role in insomnia in women over their lifetimes. Such insomnia is most often temporary. For some women, hormone replacement therapy may be beneficial.

It should be strongly noted that a being labeled "natural" is neither equal to being safe or necessarily to even being natural. Alternative or natural remedies, such as melatonin, are not regulated and their quality is not publicly controlled. In addition, any substance that can affect the body's chemistry can, like any drug, produce side effects that may be harmful.

Even if studies report positive benefits from herbal remedies, there have been a number of reported cases of serious and even lethal side effects from herbal products. In addition, some so-called natural remedies were found to contain standard prescription medication.

Whenever you are out in the sun, take precautions against overexposure to sunlight by wearing protective clothing and sunscreen.