How to Control Smoking With Acupressure

How to Control Smoking With Acupressure

Many people turn to alternative medicine such as acupressure to treat various medical injuries, illnesses, emotional problems and addictions. Some individuals have found acupressure has helped them quit smoking. By applying pressure to certain points on the body it may help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings.


Create a relaxing environment. Acupressure works partially because it promotes relaxation. Find a location where you will not be interrupted. Play relaxing music or light candles.


Locate the pressure points on the body that help control smoking. There are several different ones. One point is just below the breastbone. Another point is on your arm, on the crease inside of the elbow, on the side of your thumb.


Use your fingers or knuckles to apply firm pressure. You can also use the eraser on a pencil. It should be firm enough that you may feel a slight ache, but it should not be painful. Stop if you feel pain.


Apply steady pressure for fifteen to thirty seconds. If you are using the acupressure point in your arm, apply pressure to the other side of the body for the same amount of time. Wait a minute and reapply pressure a few times.


Do acupressure daily to help control smoking. It may be beneficial to do it at the same time everyday to get in the habit. Consider varying the pressure points to avoid getting sore in one area of the body.


Consider going to someone trained in acupressure. They have expertise in specific techniques to use acupressure to control smoking. It may be more effective then performing acupressure on yourself.


Contact the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. The organization can provide information on how to find an acupuncturist in your area who also specializes in using acupressure.

Tips & Warnings

Don't use a pressure point where the skin is broken or there is a bruise.

Avoid acupressure if you are pregnant. It is possible it can cause contractions.